The first important stop on the way of Danube through Serbia is the Nature's Reserve "Gornje Podunavlje" near Apatin that consists of forests and Danube armbands, the realm of plants and animals. Except the natural beauties, the banks of Danube are rich with historical and cultural monuments and some of them are even 7000 years old.
The most valuable historical monuments start to show up down the stream after Belgrade. First you’ll see Smederevo, the last centre of medieval Serbian state, built in 1430 when whole Europe was trembling under the threat of Ottoman invasion. Near Kostolac is the location of Viminacium, an ancient Roman capital of Upper Mezia.
On the way to the Srebrno jezero (Silver Lake), on the right side, there are ruins of the fortress Ram, and further down in the entrance of one of the most beautiful canyons of Europe is situated on the promontory the fortress of Golubac, with its city submerged when the hydro electrical plant Djerdap was built.
In Lepenski Vir, the very heart of the Djerdap gorge, visitors are greeted by on of the oldest civilizations discovered on the European ground, 7000 years old. Going further down the river one can see the fortress Festlam, and the Roman stronghold Dijana.