Salas Bosnjak
Down the Novi Sad - Sombor main road, four kilometers far from Sombor, an hour’s ride from Novi Sad, on the very North of Serbia, very close to the Hungarian and Croatian customs, not far from the Danube and its canal network, there is a farm-house welcoming each guest coming in good faith who passes by or wants to spend there either just one night or a few day’s rest.
Rich cuisine, home-made food, wine cellar, excellent fishing area, relaxation and recreation by small football pitches, tennis and street basket courts, bicycle riding, relaxing walks and jogging, possibility of helping with the chores, various domestic animals, a rich collection of old tools, reasonable prices …
Accommodation is in the houses of old style with rooms, bathroom, water closet, TV, internet access, garage for cars and with protected parking space for bus and lorries.
You can take trips to the neighboring countries of Hungary and Croatia, , ride on a hackney-coach, visit cultural events, historical sites, rich sacral and civil architecture…
To campers we offer a protected campsite, hot water, food making, repairs using available tools
Contact: Franja Bosnjak
Lugovo 18 Sombor
025 484 909, 064 49 333 11
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